
Our Melodía model invites us to immerse ourselves in the serenity of the early hours of the morning. This phone strap is inspired by the softness of dawn and the awakening of a new day. We have managed to capture, through this model, the tranquility and harmony of those precious moments.

The "Melodía" strap fuses functionality with beauty, offering an elegant strap for your phone, while adding a touch of style to your outfits. Made with high quality materials and meticulous attention to detail, this strap combines security and aesthetics in a unique piece.

- Largo: 115 cm
- Ancho: 3 cm


Esta tela de seda con fondo en color frambuesa lleva unas rayas en blanco que bien podrían recordarnos a las de una zebra. Una tela totalmente divertida a la que hemos dado un giro añadiendo nuditos de encaje haciendo que su forma y estampado resalten aún más.